Prakash Nethralaya and PanchKarma Kendra

Prakash Nethralaya and PanchKarma Kendra logo

Hospital Name: Prakash Nethralaya and PanchKarma Kendra

Address: 4/18, Surya Path, Jawahar Nagar,Jaipur, Rajasthan, INDIA.

Website URL:


Mobile Number: 08396919191, 09314090487

Landline Number: 0141-2650121

Description: Prakash Nethralaya and Panchakarma Kendra is an Ayurvedic Eye Hospital located in Jaipur, Rajasthan and Jind, Haryana as the two branches. Prakash Nethralaya is founded by Dr. Dinesh Sharma, an eminent Ayurvedic Eye Specialist to spread light in the lives of people who are visionless. Prakash Nethralaya offers quality Ayurvedic treatment for all eye diseases especially those
related to retina. Diseases like Diabetic Retinopathy, Glaucoma, Macular Degeneration, Myopic Degeneration, Retinitis Pigmentosa (RP) and others which are directly responsible for vision loss are increasing day by day. Ayurveda believes that all eye diseases are caused by an imbalance in the doshas within the human body, therefore need not be viewed in isolation. Accordingly the treatment also aims to maintain the balance of the doshas by purification with panchakarma procedures. After purification process, the rejuvenating medicines of Ayurveda give nourishment to retina and optic nerves, thus restoring the vision. Just Post your problem here:

Specialities: Treatment of Eye Diseases, panchkarma techniques
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